Week 9 [Mon, Mar 17th] - Tutorial

1 Demo measuring code coverage

  • Measure test coverage in your own IDE. Take a screenshot showing test coverage details such as lines covered, lines not covered, percentage of coverage for different files etc.

  • When prompted by the tutor, post the screenshot in the tutorial workspace document. An example is given below:

2 Exercise: CCDs

  1. before the tutorial Do the following question. As before, you should freehand-draw the diagram.
    You can use the association class notation in the answer.

CCD for the Course domain

  1. during the tutorial
    • Paste a screenshot/scan/photo of your answer in the online document.
    • Discuss a sample answer, as guided by the tutor.

When discussing CCDs, remember to avoid terms such as design, implementation, variable, method as these are terms used in the solution domain whereas an CCD is about the problem domain.

  • Bad "we can design it this way"
    Good "we can model it this way"
  • Bad "coordinator variable contains Foo objects"
    Good "Foo objects are playing the role of coordinator"
  • Bad "the implementation will be like this"
    Good "this model can support this object structure"

3 Exercise: Activity Diagrams

  1. before the tutorial Do the following question, similar to the previous question.

Model workflow of a Burger shop

  1. during the tutorial Post your answer and discuss, similar to the previous question.