Apdx B: Course PoliciesApdx D: Getting Help

Apdx C: FAQ

FAQs on: General

FAQ Where is everything?

The Weekly Schedule Page presents all you need to know in chronological order (for each week) while the other pages have some of the same content organized by topic.

The Weekly Schedule Page is the one page you need to refer weekly. Although there is a lot of content in the Admin Info page and the Textbook page -- which you are welcome to read in those respective pages -- the same content is also cross-embedded in the corresponding weekly schedule pages. Such cross-embedded extracts usually appear in expandable panels and can be identified by the symbol in the panel title.

FAQ What are the differences between CS2103T and CS2103?

Same content, same assessments, same exam. Separate tutorials, separate grading. Unless specified otherwise, whatever is stated for one course applies to the other.

FAQ What are the extra requirements to get an A+?

In CS2103/T, A+ is not given simply based on the final score. To get an A+ you should,

  • score enough to be close to the higher end of the A grade band.
  • be considered technically competent by peers and tutor (based on peer evaluations and tutor observations).
  • be considered helpful by peers (based on peer evaluations and tutor observations).
  • In particular, you are encouraged to be active on the forum and give your inputs to ongoing discussions so that other students can benefit from your relatively higher expertise that makes you deserve an A+.
  • Whenever you can, go out of your way to review pull requests created by other team members.

FAQ Why so much bean counting?

Sometimes, small things matter in big ways. e.g., all other things being equal, a job may be offered to the candidate who has the neater looking CV although both have the same qualifications. This may be unfair, but that's how the world works. Students forget this harsh reality when they are in the protected environment of the school and tend to get sloppy with their work habits. That is why we reward all positive behavior, even small ones (e.g., following precise submission instructions, arriving on time etc.).

But unlike the real world, we are forgiving. That is why you can still earn full marks for participation even if you miss a few things here and there.

FAQ Why use a separate website instead of Canvas?

We have a separate website because some of the course information does not fit into the structure imposed by Canvas.

FAQ Why slides are not detailed?

Slides are not meant to be documents to print and study for exams (the textbook is the resource more suitable for exam prep). Their purpose is to support the briefing delivery and keep you engaged during the briefing. That's why our slides are less detailed and more visual.

FAQ Why very narrow project scope?

Defining your own unique project is more fun.

But, wider scope → more diverse projects → harder for us to go deep into your project. The collective know-how we (i.e., students and the teaching team) have built up about SE issues related to the project become shallow and stretched too thinly. It also affects fairness of grading.

That is why a strictly-defined project is more suitable for a first course in SE that focuses on nuts-and-bolts of SE. After learning those fundamentals, in higher level project courses you can focus more on the creative side of software projects without being dragged down by nuts-and-bolts SE issues (because you already know how to deal with them). However, we would like to allow some room for creativity too. That is why we let you build products that are slight variations of a given theme.

Also note: The freedom to do 'anything' is not a necessary condition for creativity. Do not mistake being different for being creative. In fact, the more constrained you are, the more you need creativity to stand out.

FAQ Why can't I use my favorite tool/framework/language etc.?

We have chosen a basic set of tools after considering ease of learning, availability, typical-ness, popularity, migration path to other tools, etc. There are many reasons for limiting your choices:

Pedagogical reasons:

  • Sometimes 'good enough', not necessarily the best, tools are a better fit for beginners: Most bleeding edge, most specialized, or most sophisticated tools are not suitable for a beginner course. After mastering our toolset, you will find it easy to upgrade to such high-end tools by yourself. We do expect you to eventually (after this course) migrate to better tools and, having learned more than one tool, to attain a more general understanding about a family of tools.
  • We want you to learn to thrive under given conditions: As a professional Software Engineer, you must learn to be productive in any given tool environment, rather than insist on using your preferred tools. It is usually in small companies doing less important work that you get to chose your own toolset. Bigger companies working on mature products often impose some choices on developers, such as the project management tool, code repository, IDE, language etc. For example, Google used SVN as their revision control software until very recently, long after SVN fell out of popularity among developers. Sometimes this is due to cost reasons (tool licensing cost), and sometimes due to legacy reasons (because the tool is already entrenched in their codebase). While programming in school is often a solo sport, programming in the industry is a team sport. As we are training you to become professional software engineers, it is important to get over the psychological hurdle of needing to satisfy individual preferences and get used to making the best of a given environment.

Practical reasons:

  • Some of the topics are tightly coupled to tools. Allowing more tools means tutors need to learn more tools, which increases their workload.
  • We provide learning resources for tools. e.g. 'Git guides'. Allowing more tools means we need to produce more resources.
  • When all students use the same tool, the collective expertise of the tool is more, increasing the opportunities for you to learn from each others.

Meanwhile, feel free to share with peers your experience of using other tools.

FAQ Why so many small submissions?

The high number of submissions is not meant to increase workload but to spread it across the semester. Learning theory and applying them should be done in parallel to maximize the learning effect. That can happen only if we spread theory and 'application of theory' (i.e., project work) evenly across the semester.

In addition, spreading the work across the semester aligns with the technique that we apply in this course to increase your retention of concepts learned.

FAQ Why submission requirements differ between CS2103T and CS2101?

CS2103T communication requirements are limited to a very narrow scope (i.e., communicate about the product to users and developers). CS2101 aims to teach you technical communication in a much wider context. While you may be able to reuse some of the stuff across the two courses, submission requirements are not intended to be exactly the same.

FAQ Why not move to a newer Java version (e.g., 21)?

While we are aware that Java 21 is a more recent LTS version of Java, we are sticking with Java 17 for the time being. We plan to move to Java 21 in a future semester when its adoption is sufficiently high.

FAQ When can we see the quiz answers?

In most quizzes, answers will be released within a day after the quiz deadline.

On a related note, if you are not confident about the answer you've selected for a question, you are welcome to discuss it in the forum, even if the submission deadline is not over yet (but one question per thread please).

FAQs on: iP

FAQ How are the iP git tags used in grading?

Adding a git tag in the iP is a self-declaration that you think you are done with the iP increment. We take your word for it. We don't check the code to see if you have actually done the said increment. Therefore, it is just a mechanism for you to self-declare progress and for us to monitor those progress declarations.

FAQ What if I discovered a bug after I finished an increment?

Go ahead and fix it in a subsequent commit. There is no need to update the previous commit or move the corresponding tag to the new commit. As we do not test your code at every tag, earlier bugs will not affect your grade as long as they are fixed eventually. Similarly, feel free to improve the code of previous increments later.

FAQ I did multiple increments in the same commit. How to fix?

You can add the corresponding tags to the same commit.
Optionally, if you haven't pushed the commit to the fork yet, you can try to figure out how to split that commit into multiple commits.

FAQ The requirements of an increment scheduled for this week is already satisfied by the work I did in an earlier week. What now?

You can add the corresponding tag to the earlier commit (or the latest commit -- it doesn't matter) and push the tag.

FAQ My iP increments are not detected by the dashboard because I forgot to push my tags earlier. What now?

Not to worry. Just push the tags now. They will be detected by the dashboard at the next update. There is no penalty if mistakes are detected and fixed soon after.

FAQ Oh no! used the wrong tag/branch name.

It's OK; correct it now.
If you used the incorrect tag earlier, create and push the correct tag now. You are welcome to (but not required to) delete the previous tag.

FAQ What if I did the increment in the master branch, not in branch-___ as required?

It's fine. Be more careful in the future. Your iP marks will not be affected for missing an occasional deliverable such as this one.

If you still want to make that branch-___ item green in the iP dashboard, you can simply create a branch with the required branch name, do some commits in it, and merge it to master. The dashboard will accept it as long as it has the right name and merged to the master branch.

FAQ Can I use other data formats (e.g., serialized objects) to save tasks?

Yes, provided it doesn't require the user to install another software.
Also note that in the team project, there is a project constraint that requires the data to be saved in a human editable format.

FAQ What to do if a certain aspect is not covered by the Java/Git standard?

When something is not covered by the given standard/convention, you are free to choose which style you want to follow for that, but try to be consistent with the existing code (if any), and ensure everyone in the team follows the same (if it is a team project).

FAQ What if the given sample Checkstyle config file doesn't match exactly with the Java coding standard?

In some areas, the sample Checkstyle rules file (recommended by the SE-EDU guide) may be slightly more permissive/restrictive than (but not contradictory to) the given Java coding standard. You are free to tweak the Checkstyle file if you wish. It is fine as long as your code is compliant with the given coding standard.

FAQ What if the minimum requirement for an increment is not specified? How do I decide how much work is enough?

Deciding a feature’s behavior is a product design decision, and this is a good opportunity to practice that aspect of software engineering. So, decide for yourself: as a user of this product, what is the minimally acceptable behavior of this feature?

FAQ What if my iP final submission doesn't meet the bar for full marks? Do I get a chance to resubmit?

Yes, you will get a chance for resubmission, without any penalty.

That said, a resubmission is likely to be held to a higher bar than the standard bar for iP. So, it is in your interest to ensure your initial iP submission meets the bar for full marks.

FAQ How to get a deadline extension for the iP final submission?

There is no need to ask for extensions to the iP final submission deadline.

It is ideal if you finish the iP by original deadline, but if you could not finish it by that deadline, we'll be giving you an automatic 3-day deadline extension. Further deadline extensions beyond that might be possible too, provided we see evidence of you trying to progress in the previous deadline extension (and not simply postponing work to take advantage of the deadline extensions).

  • While there will be no penalty for such a deadline extension, keep in mind that the longer you take to finish the iP, the less time you'll have for the tP.
  • To reiterate, the said deadline extension will be given automatically, after the initial deadline is over: Please don't send us deadline extension requests in advance.
  • Caution: Unlike the iP, no free extensions will be available for the tP final submission deadline. Even a one-second delay will be considered a late submission and will have to be penalized, as deadline compliance is a learning outcome of the course.

FAQs on: Tutorials

FAQ What kind of questions can I ask the tutor?

TLDR: In this course, tutor's main job is to deliver tutorials. Hence, tutors can answer questions related to (and arising from) the tutorial delivery. But they are not allowed to answer admin questions. They are not allowed to help with technical issues.

  • Good I did not understand your explanation of that question. Why did you say "a b c"?
    Reason: This question is a follow-up from a tutorial discussion.
  • Good This is how I understood coupling. Is that correct?
    Reason: This question shows you have put in some effort to learn the topic and seeking further clarification from the tutor.
  • Bad What is coupling? | What is SLAP?
    Reason: These are concept covered in the textbook and other resources provided.
  • Bad How will this be graded? | What happens if this submission is late?
    Reason: Tutors are not allowed to answer admin questions.
  • Bad My program crashes with this error; what to do?
    Reason: Tutors are not allowed to help with technical issues (post your issue in the forum instead).

FAQ What if I can't attend (or missed) a tutorial due to a valid reason (e.g., MC)?

See the following course policy:

If you wish to attend a different tutorial timeslot in a specific week, please send your request to the course email (cs2103@comp.nus.edu.sg).

FAQ What if I can't attend a tutorial due to another commitment (e.g., interview)?

Our tutorial participation bar has enough of a buffer to allow an occasional absence (irrespective of the reason for absence). While we are not able to make special arrangements for absences due to reasons not accepted as valid by NUS (e.g., due to family event, interview, travel delays, overslept etc.), such absences are unlikely to affect your participation marks unless frequent.

  • You are welcome to keep your tutor informed of such absences as a courtesy, but it is not a requirement.
  • If you miss a tutorial, do try to catch up as best as you can e.g., by watching the tutorial recording.
  • If you wish to attend a different tutorial timeslot in a specific week, please send your request to the course email (cs2103@comp.nus.edu.sg).

FAQ Can the tutorial be made longer (e.g., 2 hours)?

In the past, many students have requested to increase the tutorial duration because a mere hour is barely enough to get through all the tutorial tasks. Increasing the tutorial time is not possible due to lack of venues and tutors. Instead, let's try to make the best of the one hour available by coming well-prepared and starting on time. Note that the better prepared you are, the higher the chance of completing all activities allocated to a tutorial within time.

FAQ Why we need F2F tutorials? Why not do all tutorials via Zoom?

There are several reasons:

  1. NUS policy requires all small classes to be F2F. Physical interaction with peers is an essential part of the university experience.
  2. While Zoom is more convenient, they are not as effective in achieving some learning outcomes. For example, we are training you for working in team projects, and in technical communications, both of which sometimes need to be done in the F2F mode.
  3. Your physical presence allows the tutor to observe team dynamics better. To give an example, sometimes even a team's seating positions can tell us the level of team cohesion.

FAQ What if I can't reach the F2F venue in time due to a reason beyond my control (e.g., previous class ended late)?

Note that we do track your arrival time, as late arrivals hinder your ability to participate in the tutorial fully.

If you anticipate a late arrival due to a reason beyond your control (e.g., due to the previous class ending late), here are some strategies to mitigate the impact:

  • Prepare for the tutorial tasks in advance, especially the first one. This will allow you to complete the task in time even if you arrive a few minutes late.
  • Join the Zoom meeting while you are on the way to the class.

FAQ When doing tutorial task 1, I couldn't update the workspace file before it was downloaded by the tutor. Will I be penalised?

Not to worry; there is no penalty.

We download the workspace file at 10-minutes mark to discourage students from continuing task 1 (which is just a warmup activity) even after task 2 has started, thus not getting the full value of task 2 (which is more important than task 1).

We do use the downloaded workspace files to identify students who consistently come prepared for tutorials and do a good job in tutorial tasks (e.g., when selecting tutors), but we do not penalise students based on those workspace files.

If you frequently find yourself being unable to finish task 1 in time, you can consider doing it in advance.

FAQs on: UML

FAQ Is UML even used in the industry? Is there any point learning it?

UML is not used very frequently by practitioners. In particular, most would not bother to draw detailed UML diagrams before (or in parallel to) coding.
UML diagrams can still provide practical value in some situations e.g., when documenting internal design details, when discussing design alternatives. However, even when using UML is beneficial, some may avoid using it due to lack of proficiency. In fact an average programmer is likely to be able to survive without drawing any UML diagrams, and only occasionally having to interpret UML diagrams drawn by others.

Furthermore, being able to communicate about code/design without referring to actual code is an essential skill, as the code is not always available (e.g., it may not exist yet or the codebase may be too big for to be used for such communications). While in some cases we can use ad hoc notations (simple boxes, arrows, labels) for such communications, using a standard modeling notation can make such communications universally understood. UML is the leading general-purpose notation used for modelling software design. It can be used for basic modelling irrespective of the domain of the software project. For more intense modeling needs, we can go for a domain-specific modelling notation e.g., Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).

FAQ OK, so there is some value in learning UML. But do we have to spend so much time on it?

It is true that we are 'overdoing' UML a bit in this course. Because UML is not used frequently in the industry (especially, by junior developers), you will not have many chances to learn it 'on the job' in the early part of your career. Hence, we try to ensure you learn UML well-enough to be able to use it a few years later, even if you don't get to use it in the interim period.

FAQ What do we do when the UML notation covered in the course is not enough to model what we want to illustrate?

Here are some options you can consider:

  • Use the closest matching notation, and use UML notes to provide the missing information.
  • Use an alternative means to communicate (e.g., pseudocode, or even actual code), instead of using a UML diagram.
  • Leave out the complex part from the diagram, or give a simpler view in the model, if the complex part is not really relevant to the purpose of the diagram (but also mention that the model is a simplified view).

Caution: For course deliverables, it is best not to use UML notations not covered in the course.

FAQs on: tP

FAQ What if a member is not contactable?

It is each member's responsibility to get in touch with the rest of the team. So, you are not obliged to keep chasing such members, beyond a few reasonable attempts.

Keep such MIA members in the loop (e.g., keep them copied in all communications) but you can proceed with the project without those members. It is important that you do not delay the project on account of such members.
When that member decides to resume/start the project work, it is up to her/him to let the team know, and make up for the absent period. The rest of the team is encouraged to be kind/understanding and help that member get into the project, but this is not a strict requirement.

Ensure your peer evaluations of such team members factor in such absences.

It is advisable to keep copies of communications related to such cases (e.g., reminders sent to such members) in case the teaching team asks for evidence.
It is also advisable to keep your tutor informed about such cases.

FAQ Why the need to narrow down the user profile?

  • It is an opportunity to exercise your product design skills because optimizing the product to a very specific target user requires good product design skills.
  • It minimizes the overlap between features of different teams which can cause plagiarism issues. Furthermore, higher the number of other teams having the same features, less impressive your work becomes especially if others have done a better job of implementing that feature.

FAQ How narrow can we make the target market?

The size of the target market is not a grading criterion. You can make it as narrow as you want. Even a single user target market is fine as long as you can define that single user in a way others can understand (reason: project evaluators need to evaluate the project from the point of view of the target users).

FAQ Can we change the target user and value proposition later in the project?

Yes. If the submission deadline is not over yet, use the same link to update the submission. If the submission deadline is over, email the updated name, target user, value proposition to cs2103@comp.nus.edu.sg.

FAQ What if the chosen user stories for MVP is not enough to do a meaningful work division among team members?

In that case, at a later stage, you can add more user stories until there is enough for a meaningful work distribution. But at this point focus on selecting the smallest sub-set of must_have user stories only.

FAQ Should we omit user stories that are already supported by AB3?

No, you should still include them. Reason: The existing implementation might still require some work before it fits your product.

FAQ How many features should we put in the MVP?

Aim for the smallest set of features the product cannot do without. Even a most basic version of those features is enough. After completing that feature set, you can add more if there is time left.

FAQ Is it OK to encrypt the data file?

Generally, not recommended. It can be allowed only if the application provides an easy way to decrypt the file, and encrypt it again after editing it manually.

Followup question: What if the data in the file is confidential, and therefore, it is risky to leave it in plaintext format?
While this is a valid concern, you can assume/require that the app is used in a secure environment in which data are protected by default e.g., a personal computer already password protected.

FAQ Do we need to include existing AB3 features in the MVP feature spec?

Yes, even if you don't plan to change them.


  • To show that you have examined, understood, and agree with, the current behavior of those features.
  • AB3 does not have a feature spec covering those features (and the UG does not cover all details of a feature).

But you may copy-paste parts of the UG onto your feature spec if that helps. Also, you may omit existing AB3 feature that are not must-have, and hence, need not be included in the MVP.

FAQ Is it a requirement for the MVP to have 'new' features not currently in AB3?

No, there is no such need. The MVP features can be same as, or a subset of, AB3 features.

FAQ What's the deadline for tP iterations?

The deadline for tP iterations is the Thursday 23:59 in the week it is due, unless a different date is specified in the instructions of that iteration.

FAQ What if we overshoot the deadline for a tP iteration?

It is OK (i.e., no penalty) if you overshoot the deadline in initial iterations. Adjust subsequent iterations so that you can meet the deadline consistently (which is an important learning outcome of the tP) by the time you reach the end of the tP.

FAQ Who should create issues?

We recommend that (when possible) the person allocated to perform the task should also create (and manage) the issue. This will help everyone practice this aspect of the project, and spread the workload among team members.

FAQ Can we use issues to track non-coding tasks? e.g., a submission

Yes (an example), although having too many non-coding tasks in the issue tracker can make it cluttered.

FAQ How do we track 'sub-task' relationships between tasks?

GitHub Issues does not have a direct way of doing this. However, you can use a task list in the issue description to indicate sub-tasks and corresponding issues/PRs -- (an example)

You can use this recently-added GitHub feature to mark an issue as a sub-task of another issue.

FAQ Is it OK to assign multiple members to the same task?

This is discouraged in the tP, as it makes task allocations (and accountability) harder to track.
Instead, shared tasks can be split into separate issues. For example, instead of creating an issue Update teams page with own info and assigning it to all team members (in which case, this issue can't be closed until all members do their part), you can create issues such as Update teams page with John's info that can be assigned to individual members.

FAQ When all members are updating the same document, can we create one issue and assign it to all?

A: In the tP (in which our grading scripts track issues assigned to each member), it is better to create separate issues so that each person's work can be tracked separately. For example, suppose everyone is expected to update the User Guide (UG). You can create separate issues based on which part of the UG will be updated by which person e.g., List-related UG updates (assigned to John), Delete-related UG updates (assigned to Alice), and so on.

FAQ Must there be a corresponding issue for each PR?

This is encouraged, while not a strict rule. Creating an issue indicates 'a task to be done', while a PR is 'a task being done'. These are not the same, and there can be a significant time gap between the two.
Furthermore, posting an issue in advance allows the team to,

  • anticipate a PR is coming
  • discuss more about the task (in the issue thread) e.g., alternatives, priority
  • indicate who will be doing the task (by adding an assignee), when it should be done (by adding it to a milestone)

FAQ Who should merge PRs? e.g., PR author, reviewer, team lead?

It is up to the team to decide. However, we discourage unilateral PR merging i.e., you create and merge PRs without any reviews/oversight from others, unless the PR is trivial changes.

FAQ How thorough should the PR reviews be?

Course admin perspective: It's up to you. We do not directly enforce any requirement on this. How well you do this can affect your grade indirectly though e.g., if PR reviews are weak, low quality code could get merged, which can in turn affect grading for code quality and bugs in the product. If you 'overdo' PR reviews, you'll waste time/effort and slow down the progress, which can affect marks as well.

Teaching/learning perspective: Learning to optimize the process is an intended learning outcome. You can do this iteratively. That is, the team can decide your own policy/process, and tweak it as you go. For example, you can decide to have a minimum of n reviews at rigor level X for each PR. After doing that for a while, you can evaluate how it is working, and tweak if necessary (reduce n or lower X if you feel like it is slowing down the project too much without helping to increase quality that much | increase n or set a higher X if you think the code being merged is below-par quality).

SE perspective: This depends on many things, such as target quality (higher target quality requires high rigor PR reviews), availability of reviewers, level of other quality assurance mechanisms in place (e.g., automated checks done on the code, such as Checkstyle). Might even vary based on type of PR (some PRs need closer scrutiny than others).

Should reviewer run the code locally to ensure the code works? This also depends on if (and how well) the work in the PR is covered by automated tests run by the CI.

Most long-running projects in real world will establish their own policies/norms, either written down formally or passed down informally (i.e., new devs follow what current devs do).

FAQ When refactoring AB3 code, I would like to find the rationale for the current design; how do I do that?

First, kudos for wanting to find the rationale before you change the current design. It's a good application of the Chesterton's Fence Principle.

Some options:

  1. See if the rationale is documented in the developer documentation or code comments.
  2. Dig into the Git and GitHub history to find if there are any clues there e.g. commit message of the relevant commit, or the discussion in the relevant PR. Git blame feature can help you locate the relevant commit.
  3. Try to speculate the possible motives, get views from other developers.
  4. These days, you can also ask AI tools.
  5. Play it safe and delay the refactoring until you have worked with the code for a while, in case the reason becomes apparent after working with the code for a while.
  6. Tentatively refactor it, to see the effect. Sometimes this helps you discover why the code was in the original form in the first place.
  7. Go ahead and refactor it, but do it in a way it can be easily reverted later e.g., break the refactoring into a series of small/medium stand-alone design changes and do them as separate PRs (or separate commits) so that they can be reverted later, if needed.

FAQ Why not allow user to input the command one field at a time?

While this multistep-command approach (i.e., giving the user a series of prompts to enter various data elements required to perform an action) has its benefits (e.g., no need to memorize the command format), a deeper look reveals why the one-shot-command approach is better.

Before delving any further, note how leading CLI-centric software such as Git and Linux don't use the multistep approach either. Why?

The multistep approach basically results in a 'text-based GUI simulation' that is harder to use than an actual GUI (obviously), whereas a well-designed CLI in an expert's hands can perform tasks faster than an equivalent GUI (which is what we are going for). A person good at typing and remembers the command can type a command faster than a user going through a type-read-type-read sequence required by the multistep-command. Now imagine user made a mistake in the response to an earlier prompt -- correcting that would take a lot more work.

That being said, multistep commands can complement the one-shot-command approach in specific cases e.g.,

  • as a crutch for new users to learn the command format
  • to be used for rarely-used tasks or tasks requiring multiple steps (e.g., importing data from a file)

FAQ Do we need to change all class/package names that refer to AB3?

Given your product is supposed to be an address book variant, it is fine to keep using 'AddressBook' in class/package names.
But remember to change any user-visible mention of AddressBook at places where the user expects to see the name of your product, and will be confused by seeing a different name instead.

Caution: Mass renaming can disrupt authorship tracking. So, it is best to do any mass renaming at earlier stages of the tP (but you are still allowed to rename them even at later stages).

FAQ How detailed the DG should be? Do we have to describe every feature/component?

The DG is primarily meant to help current/future developers. In general, the DG is expected to provide minimal yet sufficient guidance for developers, serving them in the following ways:

  • It act as a starting point for developers, before they can dive into the code itself e.g., by providing an architecture-level overview of the system
  • It provides a roadmap to developers e.g., pointing out where important information can be found in the code
  • It complements the code, providing info/perspectives not specified in the code (e.g., rationale for high-level design choices, details of dev ops)
    or not easy to grasp from the code (e.g., architecture level view, visual models).

Therefore, decide based on how the inclusion/exclusion affects that target audience (you belong to the target audience too!) in achieving the above objectives.

FAQ Is it enough to update existing UML content/diagrams or must we add new content/diagrams?

You are welcome to add new content/diagrams, but it is not a strict requirement. Consider costs (e.g., the effort required to add and maintain new content) vs benefits (how much the new content helps future developers) and decide accordingly. However, everyone is expected to contribute to the DG, which means you should divide the DG-update work among team members.

FAQ What if the features I added don't affect UML diagrams?

  • We expect all students to have some experience working with DG UML diagrams, to verify that you are able to handle similar diagramming tools in the future.
  • If your code changes don't require updates to existing UML diagrams or adding new diagrams,
    • you can document a 'proposed' feature or a design change that you might do in a future iteration, which gives you an opportunity to add some UML diagrams.
    • Also take a closer look at the features you added -- not needing changes to UML might (but not always) be a sign that the features you added didn't go deep enough. In the context of the tP, it is better to add one big feature, rather than add many small insignificant features.

FAQ Instead of PlantUML, can I use some other tool?

Yes, you may use any other tool too (e.g., PowerPoint). But wait; if you do, note the following:

  • Choose a diagramming tool that has some 'source' format that can be version-controlled using git and updated incrementally (reason: because diagrams need to evolve with the code that is already being version controlled using git). For example, if you use PowerPoint to draw diagrams, also commit the source PowerPoint files so that they can be reused when updating diagrams later.
  • Use the same diagramming tool for the whole project, except in cases for which there is a strong need to use a different tool due to a shortcoming in the primary diagramming tool. Do not use a mix of different tools simply based on personal preferences.

So far, PlantUML seems to be the best fit for the above requirements.

FAQ Can UML diagrams be used in project submissions?

Not a good idea. Given below are three reasons each of which can be reported by evaluators as 'bugs' in your diagrams, costing you marks:

  • They often don't follow the standard UML notation (e.g., they add extra icons).
  • They tend to include every little detail whereas we want to limit UML diagrams to important details only, to improve readability.
  • Diagrams reverse-engineered by an IDE might not represent the actual design as some design concepts cannot be deterministically identified from the code e.g., differentiating between multiplicities 0..1 vs 1, composition vs aggregation.

FAQ Can we remove 'proposed features' sections in the DG?

Yes, you may remove them, but you are welcome to keep them too (they can be useful if a team member is unable to find any other UML diagram to update).

If you keep them in the DG, update them to match the current version of the product. Otherwise, outdated content can be reported as DG bugs.

FAQ How much code/features is enough to get full marks?

Not surprisingly, a common question tutors receive is "can you look at our project and tell us if we have done enough to get full marks?". Here's the answer to that question:

The tP effort is graded primarily based on peer judgements (tutor judgements are used too). That means you will be judging the effort of another team later, which also means you should be able to make a similar judgement for your own project now. While we understand effort estimating is hard for software projects, it is an essential SE skill, and we must practice it when we can.

The expected minimum bar to get full marks for effort is given here.

If you surpass the above bars (in your own estimation), you should be in a good position to receive full marks for the effort. But keep in mind that there are many other components in the tP grading, not just the effort.

FAQ Are we allowed to deviate from the MVP Feature Specification submitted earlier?

Yes, the submitted MVP Feature Specification is not binding (its purpose was to get you to think about feature details early -- we will not be looking at it again). You may change features as needed along the way. Just ensure your changes do not violate tp constraints.

No need to resubmit the Feature Spec either. However, if you change the product name, target user, or the value proposition, (which is allowed too) please email the updated values to cs2103@comp.nus.edu.sg.

FAQ If our team implement features x, y, and z, is that enough?

Yes, if it requires each member to put in about a half an iP worth of effort.

FAQ Is it a must to write at least 300 LoC?

Not necessarily. It depends on the effort required, which in turn depends on what the code does. It is quite possible for 100 LoC that implements feature X to take more effort than 300 LoC that implements feature Y (i.e., it depends on the feature). So, we measure the effort, not LoC (LoC figure given is just a rough estimate of the equivalent effort).

FAQ Still, if I write 300 LoC, I get full marks for implementation?

There is no such guarantee, for two reasons:

  1. Your implementation effort is graded based on how much functionality your team produced (based on peer-testers' and tutors' estimates) and how much of that work was contributed by you (based on team members' estimates). For example, simply copy-pasting 400+ LoC with only minor modifications is unlikely to meet this bar as it is less than an effort equivalent to writing a typical 300-400 LoC (or half of a typical iP effort).
  2. Implementation marks are based on both effort and quality, the latter being the primary driver (more info here). So, meeting the effort bar doesn't guarantee full marks for implementation.

FAQ Is LoC graded in the tP?

LoC is not graded. But if there is a significant mismatch between the LoC numbers and the 'effort' rating a student received, we take a closer look at the case to find out the reason for the mismatch, and revise marks if necessary.

FAQ Is it OK if different members modified different components?

No, we advise against that. Instead, divide the work based on features/enhancements instead of components. But you should still allocate different members to be 'in charge of' different components.

FAQ Will I lose marks if I couldn't merge any PRs in an iteration?

As it is the case with other similar tP requirements, there is no penalty for missing this expectation occasionally. But try not to miss it too often.

FAQ Do we have to update tests when we update functional code?

In very early iterations, try to keep the existing tests (and CI) working. It is OK not to add new tests.

In general, there are several options you can choose from:

  1. Update/add tests every time you change functional code. This is what normally happens in stable production systems. For example, most OSS projects will not accept a PR that has failing tests or not enough new tests to cover the new functional code.
  2. Disable failing tests temporarily until the code is stable. This is suitable when the functional code is in a highly volatile state (e.g., you are still experimenting with the implementation). The benefit is that you avoid the cost of writing tests for functional code that might change again soon after. Some costs: (a) harder to detect regressions during the period tests are disabled (b) testing debt piles up which could distort your estimate of real progress (c) forgetting to enable the tests in time.
    This is still a viable option during some stages of a tP e.g., during the early part of an iteration, or while a PR is still in 'draft' state (i.e., for getting early feedback from the team).
  3. Decide certain tests are not worth the effort to maintain, and delete them permanently. Result: Less test code to maintain but higher risk of undetected regressions.

FAQ PR CI fails because Codecov reports a drop in code coverage. What to do?

In some cases the code edited by the PR is not covered by existing tests, which means Codecov will report it as not adhering to the current coverage targets.

First, find out which area of the code is causing the coverage drop. You can use Codecov or code coverage features of the IDE to do so.

Then you can do the following:

  • Ignore those warnings, and merge the PR (a member with admin permissions can merge a CI-failing PR). Suitable for cases such as,
    • the coverage drop is in code that is not normally covered by automated tests and/or 'not worth the effort to' test automatically (e.g., GUI).
    • you deem that automated testing of that part of the code can be done at a later time (i.e., not a priority at the current time).
  • Alternatively, update tests until the coverage is raised back to sufficient level.

Note that Codecov is there to help you manage code coverage -- it is not graded. You may lower the test coverage targets set for Codecov as well.

For reference,

FAQ Do we need to update user/developer guides to match code changes?

In general, it is better for a PR to update code, tests, and documentation together.

In early iterations, it is fine not to update documentation, to keep things simple. We can start updating docs in a later iteration, when the code is more stable.

FAQ Must we fix all bugs reported and all enhancements suggested by testers?

Not necessarily. Choose based on importance.

In any project, there are always things that can be done 'if there was more time'. If fixing a certain bug has low impact on users, and fixing it is not as important as the work done (or intend to do in the current iteration), you can justify not fixing it with the reason 'not in scope' of the current iteration.

Similarly, a missing feature enhancement can be justified as 'not in scope' if implementing that could have taken resources away from other important project tasks.

Bugs and possible enhancements 'not in scope' will not be penalized.

FAQ Should we try to automate GUI testing as well?

Automated GUI testing is hard, especially in Desktop apps, especially in CI (because the environment that CI runs doesn't have a display device to show the GUI).

A few years ago, we used AB4 as the starting point of the tP.

  • The main difference between AB4 and AB3? AB4 has automated GUI testing. It used the TestFX tool to do so, and ran the test in 'headless' mode in CI (i.e., simulate a display device without an actual display device).
  • The main reason we changed tP to start with AB3 code was that some students found it too hard to maintain those GUI tests.

While we don't require you to automate GUI testing in your tP (i.e., it is fine to do only manual GUI testing), you are welcome to give it a try too, especially if you like a technical challenge.

  • Even if you get it working in only some OS'es only, and only in local environment, it is still a useful way to test the GUI quickly.
  • It is possible to run tests selectively, which means you can still run them in environments they work and skip them in other environments.

Feel free to reuse/refer AB4 code too. If you manage to make some headway in this direction, you are encouraged to share it with others via the forum.

FAQ Why not wait till the end to add/update the DG diagrams?

Here are some reasons:

  • We want you to take at least two passes at documenting the project so that you can learn how to evolve the documentation along with the code (which requires additional considerations, when compared to documenting the project only once).
  • It is better to get used to the documentation tool chain early, to avoid unexpected problems near the final submission deadline.
  • It allows receiving early self/peer/instructor feedback.

FAQ What if someone took over a feature from another team member?

In terms of effort distribution, it's up to the team to tell us who did how much. Same goes for assigning bugs. So, it's fine for someone to take over a feature if the team is able to estimate the effort of each member, and they have a consensus on who will be responsible for bugs in that feature.
For code authorship, only one person can claim authorship of a line, and that person will be graded for the code quality of that line. By default, that will be the last person who edited it (as per Git data) but you can override that behavior using @@author tags.

FAQs on: tP PE

FAQ What time does the PE end?

If you need to, you should be able to leave the PE after 5.45pm, as the part III of the PE (i.e., the last task to be done during the PE slot) can be done later (but you should before the midnight of the same day).

FAQ Can I (i.e., the tester) add more information about the bug when I object to a dev team's response?

Yes, you may. Given that the dev team did not get to see this addition info when they triaged the bug, the weight such additional info add to your case is lower than if you had that info in the initial bug report. Nevertheless, it can still help your cause, especially if the dev team should have thought about that info on their own, even if they were missing in the initial bug report.

FAQ What if the team rejected my bug report without giving a reason?

You can disagree with the rejection, and the teaching team will likely rule in your favor in the next phase.

FAQ If the bug I reported is NotInScope, how does it affect my accuracy bonus?

A bug that is type.Accepted or type.NotInScope can boost your accuracy if the severity.* you chose matches the eventual severity.* of the bug. Same for type.* (the type.* will not be considered for accuracy).

FAQ If a bug is NotInScope, does the severity.* label still matter?

Yes. A higher severity means the enhancement you suggested is of higher value/importance; you earn more credit for doing so.

FAQs on: tP Troubleshooting

FAQ PR passed CI before merging, but fails CI after merging. How come?

It is possible that the master branch has received new commits after your PR passed CI the last time. So, if GitHub indicates that your PR is not up-to-date with the latest master branch, synchronize your PR branch with the master branch (which will run the CI again) before merging it.

FAQ All tests pass locally, but the same code fails CI in the PR. How come?

First, check which OS it is failing in. Some behaviors can be OS-dependent. For example, file paths are case-insensitive in Windows but not in Unix/Mac.

Second, note that PR CI does a temporary merge of master branch to the PR branch before running tests, to verify if the checks will pass after you merge this PR. So, if the master branch has progressed after you started your PR branch, those new commits can affect the CI result. The remedy is to pull the master branch to your repo, merge it to your PR branch, and run tests again (which should fail as well, but you can now find the reason for the failure and fix it).

FAQ Some students will be testing less/more buggy products than others? Isn't that unfair?

As each product is tested by 4-5 testers, after all PE bugs have been finalized, we know how 'buggy' each product is. We then use that information for calculating your PE-related marks. So, the marks are calibrated to match the bugginess of the product you tested.

FAQ What if the product I tested has hardly any bugs?

If the total bugs found (by all testers) in a product is below a certain level, we compensate those testers by increasing the weightage given to PE-D performance, and their dev-testing results.

FAQ What if the product I tested is very buggy? Am I expected to find all those bugs?

No. Given the PE has only a short time, we don't expect you to find all bugs in the product. To get full marks, you only need to report a certain percentage of the bugs (e.g., half), or a certain quantity of bugs (the quantity also factors in the nature of the bug e.g., severity), whichever is lower.

FAQ Do we need to justify even if we accept the bug as is?

No need to provide a justification if you accept the bug without any changes to it.

FAQ So, those who write more code will be hit with more bugs? How's that fair?

Penalty for bugs is applied based on bug density, not bug count. Here's an example:

  • n bugs found in Ann's feature; it is a big feature consisting of a lot of code → marks for dev testing: 4
  • n bugs found in Jim's feature; it is a small feature with a small amount of code → marks for dev testing: 1

Although both had the same number of bugs, as Ann's work has a lower bug density than Jim's, she earns more marks for the dev testing aspect.

FAQ What if the bug is real but the tester used the wrong label (e.g., used the wrong type.*). Can we reject that bug?

A bug is a bug irrespective of the label used. Instead of rejecting, rectify the label.

FAQ What if the bug the tester reported is legit but the expected behavior tester suggested is not correct?

You should accept the bug but state that you disagree with the expected/suggested behavior. Reason: the main job of the tester is to detect bugs; suggesting a solution is optional.

FAQ Can I (i.e., the tester) add more information about the bug when I object to a dev team's response?

Yes, you may. Given that the dev team did not get to see this addition info when they triaged the bug, the weight such additional info add to your case is lower than if you had that info in the initial bug report. Nevertheless, it can still help your cause, especially if the dev team should have thought about that info on their own, even if they were missing in the initial bug report.

FAQ What if the team rejected my bug report without giving a reason?

You can disagree with the rejection, and the teaching team will likely rule in your favor in the next phase.

FAQs on: Exam

FAQ Can we have more past year papers and model answers?

You are welcome to try past exam papers available in the library and post answers in the forum to discuss with others. The teaching team will contribute to those discussions as well, and ensure you reach a reasonable answer.

Caution: The scope of the course and the exam format evolve over time and some past questions may not be exactly in sync with the current semester.

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