Week 12 [Mon, Apr 7th] - Summary


  • No topics allocated to this week.


  1. Submit the declaration about code reuse COMPULSORY | Tue, Apr 15th 2359
  2. Submit feedback for tutors
  3. Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES Thu, Apr 10th 2359
  4. Submit the PE-Readiness Quiz before the PE

tP: v1.6

  1. Fix PE-D bugs
  2. Submit final deliverables Tue, Apr 8th 14:00
  3. Prepare for the practical exam
  4. Ensure the code is RepoSense-compatible
  5. Attend the practical exam Fri, Apr 11th 1600-1800
  6. [if needed] Attend the makeup practical exam Sun, Apr 13th 1400-1600