Week 1 [Mon, Jan 13th] - Summary

OK, I'm here. What am I looking at? What should I do next? ...

This is the Summary tab of the weekly schedule page of this week. It contains a summary of the week, and announcements relevant to that week.

In each week, you are expected to go through all the tabs for that week (i.e., Topics, Admin Info, ...) given at the top of the weekly schedule page and follow the instructions in them. FYI, a full timeline is available too.

Before you move to other tabs, take note of any important information in this summary tab, such as announcements relevant to this week and briefing videos to watch.

Now, some announcements relevant to this week ...

  • There is no lecture in week 1. In lieu of that, we are giving you a series of pre-recorded briefing videos (given in the panel below), so that you can get started early.
    Our first lecture will be on week 2 (Fri, Jan 24th 1600-1800), delivered in hybrid mode.
  • Our tutorials start on week 3.
  • If you are bookmarking the course website in your browser, bookmark the URL https://nus-cs2103-ay2425s2.github.io/website (i.e., the base URL, without pointing to any specific page).
    Reason: This base URL will take you to the schedule page of the current week automatically.
  • [CS2103T Students]: Of the many weekly sessions that appear under CS2103T, only two actually belong to CS2103T. Those are, the lecture slot on Friday 1600-1800, and the 1-hour tutorial slot. The other 3-hour slots belong to the CS2101 course.
    All CS2101 sessions start in week 1.

[MUST-WATCH] Briefing Videos for Week 1

Before you do anything else please watch the following briefing videos in the order given. NUSNET login is required to access videos.

Watching course briefing videos counts for participation.
When watching a briefing video for the first time, avoid or jumping ahead/around in the video timeline, as this can interfere with the video platform's capturing of what part of the video you actually watched. However, watching at faster speeds is fine.

We have added closed captioning support for course briefing videos.

1. Welcome to the Course:

Video 1 min

2. Course Goals: How the goals of this course shape its structure (possibly different from other courses), and how it should be approached by students.

Video 9 mins

3. Week 1 Briefing: As this is the first weekly briefing, it also covers some general points relevant to all future weeks.

Video 4 mins


  • [W1.1] OOP: Classes & Objects

  • [W1.2] OOP Inheritance

  • [W1.3] OOP: Polymorphism

  • [W1.4] Java: Collections

  • [W1.5] Exception Handling

Full ToC


  1. Submit the pre-course survey Fri, Jan 17th 2359
  2. Learn about the course
  3. Submit prereq topics quiz Mon, Jan 20th 2359
  4. Set up the tools Fri, Jan 17th
  5. [Optional] Follow the Git learning trail